How to Serve Madeira

INAOThe majority of wines are all bottled ready to be drunk. Younger Madeiras along with the 5, 10 and 15 years of age wines are all bottled when ready for drinking and will not improve by further ageing; although they will remain in perfect condition for considerable periods if left unopened. Decanting is not necessary.

Vintage Madeira should be decanted. A general rule is to open the wine one day for every 10 years that the wine has been in bottle. Use a good cork screw, or if the cork seems fragile use a 'butlers thief' to ease the cork out of the bottle. 

When it comes to enjoying Madeira, we suggest that the dry and medium dry styles be served chilled (54°F) and the medium rich and rich styles be served slightly chilled (61°F). 

The glassware is important we suggest that all Madeiras should be enjoyed using a typical port glass.

"What is a typical port glass?"

The International Organization for Standardization has a specified dimentions for a wine-tasting glass. The opening is narrower than the convex part so as to concentrate the bouquet. The capacity is approximately 215 ml, but it is intended to take a 50 ml pour.
